The Portland Cement Association changed its corporate identity, effective October 31, 2013, to better describe the association and the industry it represents. As part of the association’s new logo, it will no longer spell out the name Portland Cement Association (PCA). Instead, this will be replaced with the tagline, “America’s Cement Manufacturers.”
“This is not a change of name. The organization is still Portland Cement Association,” stated Gregory M. Scott, president/CEO of PCA, during World of Concrete 2014. “Rather, the new identity embraces who we already are, avoids confusion by nontechnical audiences and better describes the organization and its members.”
The goal is to retain the legacy and reputation of PCA while better positioning the industry as a vital domestic manufacturer. It retains the strong identity its members have come to trust and the logo that expresses it. However, at the same time it addresses the confusion in non-construction arenas that “portland” creates and clearly identifies PCA as a national association.
“This new identify allows the entire association to communicate that our industry is an important part of the American manufacturing community, making a vital product and creating well-paying jobs,” Scott said.